Wednesday, September 10, 2008

wait long enough and people will surprise and impress you...

There are moments in life that define people and tell them things about themselves--and sometimes about this world--that they may never have wanted to know. If there were a way to control these impulses and reactions, the average person would take that chance. I know I would. As such, there are no ways to do such things. So, I go on living as I do the best way that I know how without concern to my inability to take control over these events. I have come to accept the things in my life that are beyond my control and take them with their prescribed grains of salt, however large those might happen to be. People will, I have learned, rarely live up to my expectations for this world, and I cannot expect them too either. I am, as I have often stated, often disappointed with the lack of thought and common sense that I find in the world around me. It saddens me to think that most people do not live up to their potential and, worst of all, most have no care to ever do so.

I have moments often. Moments in which silence and respectful distance is often required with me. I need to contemplate in these moments, otherwise I am likely never to calm down long enough to take that grain of salt that I have in my own hand. When those moments are intruded on I feel invaded, as though something precious has been taken from me and I believe will never again be able to have that again.

I appreciate the things in this world that people have to offer for what they are. I have my own set of expertises, but I cannot honestly expect other people to fit into those boxes. It would be ridiculous and an impossible kind of standard that I refuse to hold against the rest of the world. People will touch me, teach me, and see me for what there is and sometimes for what it not. That is enough.

I meet people every day and form judgments about them that may or may not be fair for what they are. Some days I choose to try and see the best in people. Those days happen more often than not. This is a good thing. I want people to be good, I hope they'll be good. Whatever proof I actually see of them, and however many times this world proves me wrong I still believe there is good out there. I believe that because it is true.

As disillusioned as I have become with this mentality in pocket, it pays off on occasion. Even though those occasions are few and far between, they are most certainly worth the wait. Though it does often mean that I don't always see that good, even if it is right in front of my face. I am so accustomed to having to dig for that goodness that having it given to me without expectation is odd. But this, this is a good thing. I did not see it right away, and I tried to turn a blind eye to it for a while, but I know now what has been gifted to me, and I shall endeavor to continue to know as much.

It is true, that people wrap themselves in layers. Be patient, for they are trying to show you something, trying to communicate no matter how little they will actually speak. Give them the time, the respect, and the patience so that you can hear it. Not only will you hear it, but you will also understand it. Be good to those people who expect less from you, for those are the one who deserve it the most. And those who expect preference without having done anything to deserve it are the ones you must be wary of. Keep your eyes open in this world, for losing your way is the worst of things.

Brick walls are there for a reason: they let us know how badly we want something. They are not there to keep people out, but rather they are there to stop those who do not want it badly enough. Brick walls are there to see who is willing to take the time to get inside, brick walls have a purpose and it is not loneliness.

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